From: "skate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> $contents = preg_replace( "|<item>.*?".$file.".*?</item>|si", "",
> $contents );
> okay, so i figured out that it's matching the first occurence of <item>
> which will always be the first record and then going on to match the $file
> and deleting everything between. obviously not what i want.
> without giving <item> a unique attribute and without preg_match_all and
> looping through them all, is there any other way to do this? make it find
> the first occurence of <item> previous to $file, rather than from the
> i hope this makes sense, and is a little clearer than i've been so far...

This example works... adapt to your needs. (Sorry for the delay)


$xml = "

$file = 'file2.xml';

function callback($matches)
    global $file;
    if(strpos($matches[1],$file) === FALSE)
    { return $matches[0]; }
    { return ''; }

$new_xml = preg_replace_callback('|<item>(.*)</item>|Usi','callback',$xml);

echo nl2br(htmlentities($xml));
echo "<hr>";
echo nl2br(htmlentities($new_xml));


---John Holmes...

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