From: "Ed Curtis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  I just started using sessions and am having some trouble understanding
> to pull values out of sessions to use in another page.
> I set the values as:
> session_start();
> session_register{'magazine');
> session_register('company');
> The data is saved as a session because I can read the file located in my
> /tmp directory.
> Now I click on a link and go to a different page and I do:
> session_start()
> Magazine: <? echo $magazine; ?>
> Company: <? echo $company; ?>
> Should I be able to retrieve the values in this fashion? I'm using php
> 4.1.2.

As you sit there and wait for us to answer, you could have taken the 5
second to run this yourself and test it.

If register_globals is ON, then yes, that's how you do it. You may want to
actually assign a value to $magazine and $company in the first script,
though, if you want to see any results.

If register_globals is OFF, then you should do it this way:

Page 1:
$_SESSION['magazine'] = 'some value';
$_SESSION['company'] = 'some other value';

Page 2:
<?php session_start(); ?>
Magazine: <?php echo $_SESSION['magazine']; ?>
Company: <?php echo $_SESSION['company']; ?>

---John Holmes...

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