
Have you looked at the Next:


and Previous:


... functions?

Jonathan Duncan

"Mike Morton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am having a total brain cramp with this array problem (may have to do
> the pressure change from the hurricane - but whatever ;) )
> $helpsystem[onlineusignuphelp_username]='The username that you choose must
> be more than 5 characters and 20 or less characters in length.  The
> must contain only numbers and letters.';
> $helpsystem[onlineusignuphelp_password]='The password that you choose must
> be more than 5 characters and 26 or less characters in length.  The
> may contain only numbers,letters, and the following characters:<br>! @ # %
> *';
> I am building a help system of sorts.  I have the following 2 array
> above (set exactly as such).  When I call the page it displays like:
> Print $helpsystem[$_GET[tip]]
> I would like to display a next and previous link to help items where
> possible, the problem that I am having is figureing out how to get the
> and previous indexes.  I can get the current key with the key() function,
> and the text for the next and previous using next() and and prev() but
> because the help is called by the key, I need the index to call the array
> item in the url:
> Help.php?tip=onlinusignuphelp_password
> I cannot seem to find a way to get even the current index number (i.e. 0)
> that I can add and subtract one to that index number...  Can anyone help
> with a pointer on how to get the next and prev keys?
> Thanks ;)
> --
> Cheers
> Mike Morton
> ****************************************************
> *
> * Tel: 905-465-1263
> *
> ****************************************************
> "Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to describe the history of the
> computer industry for the past decade as a massive effort to keep up with
> Apple."
> - Byte Magazine
> Given infinite time, 100 monkeys could type out the complete works of
> Shakespeare. Win 98 source code? Eight monkeys, five minutes.
> -- NullGrey

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