What does the code look like that is causing this error? I know I can turn the 
error off but how do I fix the code that is causing it?

Warning: Unknown(): Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which 
existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does 
not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is 
enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting 
session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively. in 
Unknown on line 0

It only seems to appear when viewed using MSIE, Konqueror and Mozilla do not 
display this error, why?

Here is some example code that I am using.
if (!session_is_registered('U_SI')) {
        #do some stuff.
$last_time = time();
echo $_SESSION['last_time'];

Here are some settings from php.ini from the server that is giving the error.


register_globals = Off
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = /tmp
session.use_cookies = 1
session.name = PHPSESSID
session.auto_start = 1
session.cookie_lifetime = 0
session.cookie_path = /
session.cookie_domain =
session.serialize_handler = php
session.gc_probability = 1
session.gc_divisor     = 100
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
session.bug_compat_42 = 1
session.bug_compat_warn = 1
session.referer_check =
session.entropy_length = 0
session.entropy_file =
session.cache_limiter = nocache
session.cache_expire = 180
session.use_trans_sid = 0
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset="

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Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group
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    with Turck MMCache v2.3.20, Copyright (c) 2002-2003 TurckSoft, St. 
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James Hicks

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