Eric Wood wrote:

----- Original Message -----

I posted about this the other day. I was directed to look at

It works pretty well, I believe it uses Apache::Request to
get the raw post info.

I recently began to use megaupload,  it relies on perl cgi to measure the
bits, then hands it off to your regular file copy($_FILES[]) script.  Kind
of tricky to get in place to a real website but not bad.  The one thing is
that you might have to add a <BASE HREF="xxx"> tag your upload script since
cgi-bin is changed as the relative dir and image links will break.

But my customers really love the progress bar.
-eric wood

Thanks for the comments. As someone mentioned earlier, since access to raw post data is not available to php this will have to do for the moment. :-)

Raditha Dissanayake.
SFTP, FTP and HTTP File Upload solutions

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