I use Smarty for most of my commericial and non commercial websites, it
makes it very easy to share and re-use code because the appliciation logic
is separate from the presentation logic.

It also makes it possible to encode the scripts using Zend Encoder, Turck
MMCache or similar projects which leaving the site owner the ability to
change their template files where encoding scripts that contained the HTML
inline would make this impossible. I use PHPDocumentor to give them API
documentation so they can add additional pages, functionality to their site
whether it has been encoded or not.

It also keeps people out of where they shouldn't be (for example users tend
to introduce parse errors when editing PHP files) and gives them an easy to
understand interface to their site.
I also use Smarty template caching, and end user caching and output
compression, resulting in lightening fast websites for the user on most
internet connections.

I've tried other templating engines including FastTemplate and haven't been
as impressed as I am with Smarty, of course the power comes with the price
that you are slowing execution slightly but the increased development speed
and other benefits usually outweigh the costs in my case.

-----Original Message-----
From: Angelo Zanetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:33 AM
Subject: [PHP] smarty

hi all has anyone used smarty before? what do you think of it? I think it's
pretty nice to seperate your script (code) from your design.

i would like to hear your comments and if you have any alternatives let me


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