On Thursday 13 May 2004 11:59 am, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
>     Looking for a (open source) solution here: is there some way that I
> can convert an already existing HTML page to a PDF file, by means of a
> script (on a unix box)?  What I'd like to do is have a button on all of
> our pages that, when clicked on, will perform a capture of that page,
> including all images, convert to PDF, and serve it back to the user's
> browser.  I don't just want what the user's viewing (I doubt that's
> possible anyway from a server-side point.)  I want a full page capture,
> and then converted.
This is how I do it. (Warning this is psuedo-code!)


system ("html2ps http://taget.system.com/target.html";);
system ("ps2pdf target.ps");
echo ("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"1; URL=target.pdf\">");

James Hicks

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