On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 11:08:38 +0200
"Pierre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just try this : $temp = $country_list[$country_symbol]['AU'] ;
> Seems better :)

Yes, but wrong.

The original:
> $temp = $country_list[$country_symbol['AU']] ;

2 levels of arrays. 2 _different_ arrays.
$country_symbol = array( 'AU' => 'some_value' );
$country_list = array( 'some_value', 'some_other_value' );

For your piece of code it would need to be:
$country_list = array( 'some_value' => array( 'AU', 'some_other_value' );

BTW: $array[$second_array['key']] works fine for me... php 5.0.0rc3

Dennis Freise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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