On 23/07/2004, at 2:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [PHP] postfix with PHP on Mac OS X

I'm betting that the problem is with security. By default, Apple ships the mail server configured to NOT be an open relay. Meaning, you need to provide a login name and password in order to send email. This is a very good thing, otherwise your machine would be used to send out spam.

In order to send email from php, your mail server (postfix, sendmail, whatever) needs to be configured to allow relaying from the machine your php is running from, since php doesn't have an option to "login" to the mail server. In sendmail, this is controlled from the /etc/mail/access file. In postfix, I think the file is /etc/postfix/access. Read the file carefully. Then you can add the line "x.x.x.x RELAY". With x.x.x.x being the ip address of the machine that php is running on. You can also add lines like spamoffers.com REJECT, to block all email from that domain.

To check if your mail server is actually running, type "telnet mailserver.com 25" in your terminal. If it is running, you should get a message like "220 mailserver.com ESMTP...". Then type "quit" to get out.

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