On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 14:21:42 -0700 (PDT), Matthew Sims wrote:

> imgBkgrnd = array("1"=> "bkgrnd-default.gif", "2" =>
> "bkgrnd-positive.gif", "3" => "bkgrnd-negative.gif");

You got it...

imgBkgrnd = array("1"=> "bkgrnd-default.gif", "2" => "bkgrnd-positive.gif",
"3" => "bkgrnd-negative.gif");
imgNeeded = table['field'];
imgName = ???

Now, how do I get the image name associated with the key number obtained
from my table out of the array and into the variable so that I can use it
later in the HTML?

Thanx, Robb
Robb Kerr
Digital IGUANA

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