M. Sokolewicz wrote:

To summarize:

class Liste {

   var $input2;
   var $input;

    function Liste() { /* or, if you're using php5: public function
__construct() { */
       $this->input = array(1,2,3);
       $this->input2 = array_pad($this->input,10,1);

The reason being, for this, that inside a class property definition, only static values are allowed. This has to do with the Static use of a class. Imagine the following (PHP 4):
--- PHP 4 ---
class foo {
var $a = 2;
var $b = 5;
--- end ---
--- PHP 5 ---
class foo {
public $a = 2;
public $b = 5;
--- end ---

Now, when someone uses it statically, he/she can call them like:
echo foo::a;

This is not entirely accurate.

class foo {
    public $a = 2;
    public $b = 5;
echo foo::a;

results in:

Fatal error:  Undefined class constant 'a' in PHPDocument1 on line 7

class foo {
    public $a = 2;
    public $b = 5;
echo foo::$a;

results in:

Fatal Error: Access to undeclared static property: foo::$a in PHPDocument1 on line 7

class foo {
    static $a = 2;
    public $b = 5;
echo foo::$a;

results in:


The reasoning behind not allowing complex expressions in variable declarations is that they must be evaluated at compile time, *before* any functions, classes, or other complex structures have been parsed and therefore created, otherwise php would be either incredibly unstable or much slower.


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