* and then John Holmes declared....
> >Should the db go like this?
> >
> >db_urls
> >url_id | user_id | project_id | url
> >
> >db_user
> >user_id | name | whatever
> >
> >db_project
> >project_id | user_id
> >
> >Wow, now i've written it down it seems clearer ;) you guys reckon that's
> >the right kind of schema (based on what you know from the above..)?
> That structure looks good, but it really depends upon what "dealt with by 
> PHP" means.

Well, the url is fetched into a variable by cURL, i then do a whole
bunch of stuff with that variable with regex and wotnot, then the user
decides if they want to post to that url, or discard it. Either way, the
result is the url is deleted from the db_url (and now i think more about
it, written to db_url_done - or a flag put on db_url (that's better i

> As for the user getting cut off with urls still in the DB... it shouldn't 

Yeah, i realized that the moment i sent the mail ;-) they should be able
to pick up with a project right where they left off....

my thanks, always good to get your schema cheked out by more
knowledgable folk....

Nick W

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