Hi guys, 

A client of mine is running PHP on a windows box (SErver) with IIS 4
installed. I am definitely not a favourite of it being a windows box and
secondly IIS version 4. I have heard many things about security breaches
in IIS version 4. A question I want to ask you all is it still safe for
the site to be hosted on this kind of platform and web server (IIS 4)
even though the server might be patched and have all the security
updates. OR should they upgrade their IIS version or just use Apache?
maybe on a unix box?

I know this might be slightly off topic, so Im not looking for message
that are going to flame me rather just dont respond, and I would like to
hear from those of you who can give me some useful input and maybe some
past good and bad experiences with a similiar setup.

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