> -----Original Message-----
> From: Burhan Khalid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 2:05 PM

> > Hopefully not! Files in /tmp are deleted in most *NIX variants, this is
> > a _bad_ idea and the name of the folder pretty much tell You so...
> >
> > Default path is /usr/local/lib
> No, I don't think this is correct.  The default path for temporary files
> is /tmp -- I just tested it on a clean install of PHP.

Ehhh... php.ini, a temp file?

> The whole point of temporary upload files is that they are deleted by
> the system, so you don't have stale files lying around.  Which is why
> there is the move_uploaded_file function.
> This, of course, is assuming I didn't mis-interpret the question.

Quote: "> i'm experimenting with php on mandrake 10 and i'm not sure about a 
few things. first, where should the php.ini file go?"

I think You did indeed.

And IŽll correct my self for the info:

"If You compile PHP thereŽs a parameter to use: 


Skip the php.ini from the _path_ (doh!)

Med venlig hilsen / best regards
ComX Networks A/S
Kim Madsen

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