Locally on a Win32 box, use the odbc functions built in, with a local DSN.

On Unix, compile php with iodbc (http://www.iodbc.org) and use an ODBC
driver to connect to the SQLServer or Access db on the Win32 box.

You can use OpenLink's drivers if you like -

For SQLServer:
    - install Multi-Tier driver from www.openlinksw.com, with client as unix
and server as win box.
    - configure DSN in unix side odbc.ini, per the example.
    - test with odbctest
    - use odbc_connect() in your script, making sure you have specified

For Access
    -similar to above, but unix side DSN needs to pass Database field as
name of a Win32 side DSN using the native MS driver.  The ServerType should
also be ODBC instead of Access on the unix side.

Please let me know if you require assistance.

Best regards,
Andrew Hill . Director Technology Evangelism
OpenLink Software . www.openlinksw.com
Internet Data Integration Technology

On 4/15/01 2:40 PM, "Bob Clingan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What to I need to do/configure in order for PHP 4 to be able to connect to
> Access and/or SQL Server databases?
> --Bob

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