George Pitcher wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm doing something dumb but I can't see it.

The basic premise is:

sql search of orders sorted by customer
set g_customer_id to ''
loop through resultset
  if customer_id not same as last record's customer_id (g_customer_id)
    get customer email details
    set up message header if this is the first record for a customer
    set item details
    set item details
    set g_customer_id to customer_id
  send email
end loop

Should not be line "set g_customer_id to customer_id" be in the "if" part? It's certainly useless in the "else" part as it's already equal to customer_id ;)

The problem is that as a sample I have two records from one demo customer (me) and I can only get my email to handle one record - either sending separate records for each record or one email covering the last record only

Its as if I should have another inner loop

Any tips



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