Jim & Sara Feldman wrote:

I have a partially finished app using PHP and MySQL that runs on Mac G4 running System 10.3.9. Undoubtedly, I upgraded too many things all at the same time. Something broke. PHP and MySQL are both running. I can use the latest phpMyADMIN and everything is there in the database, so that should check both PHP and MySQL. Here are the changes in hardware and software:

        New        Old

Mac        G5        G4
System        Tiger (10.4)    10.3.9
PHP        4.3.10        4.3.4
MySQL        4.1.11        4.0.17
myAdmin    2.6.2        2.5.4

When I run the app, I get the login page with no difficulty, but that takes me back to the page member.php which attempts to start a session and then from there to check the validity of the login by comparing the login variables to those stored in the database. The attempt to use session_start(); now gets me the the following two warnings:

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /Library/WebServer/Documents/testit/Logsafe_project/db_fns.php:212) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/testit/Logsafe_project/member.php on line 14

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /Library/WebServer/Documents/testit/Logsafe_project/db_fns.php:212) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/testit/Logsafe_project/member.php on line 14

No cookie is created, so it is not obvious why it is complaining. I suspect something in the apache script for starting php. Can anyone suggest a good place to look?

It seems php configuration changed with the upgrade. Your old one had output_buffering turned on in php.ini.

Instead of turning it back on you should fix your app, open /Library/WebServer/Documents/testit/Logsafe_project/db_fns.php, go to line 212, something's outputting there something (echo, print, anything outside <?php ?>), maybe even a whitespace character.

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