Jack Jackson wrote:

Murray @ PlanetThoughtful wrote:

If I want to make a link to a URL which includes some GETs can I just do:

<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?p={$p}&c={$s}' ... etc etc

or must I escape the ampersand somehow?

Depends very much on the document type of your page. Valid XHTML
(transitional, at least), for example, doesn't like single ampersands in <a
href=> links. For XHTML, you need to replace "&"s with "&amp;"s.

So the following link:

<a href='http://www.somewhere.com/index.php?id1=1&id2=2'>Something</a>

...should be changed to:

<a href='http://www.somewhere.com/index.php?id=1&amp;id=2'>Something</a>

Thank you Murray. The page is in xhtml 1.0/transitional. That was precisely what I was worried about. The &amp; will be converted as part of the URL right? I mean, the printed URL resulting from clicking on that link won't say &amp; it'll just say & is this correct? Combined with Rory's post this is really, really useful stuff and I thank you !

You should use &amp; for all document types, not only xhtml

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