I am having trouble connecting to MySQL server through a PHP script
and I am not sure why.

the error I receive is:

Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Access denied for user:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) in
on line 6
Cannot connect to database, check if username, password and host are correct.

trying to connect with the following script:

        $mysql_user = "bruceg_webmaster";
        $mysql_password = " password"; 
        $mysql_host = "server-10.existhost.com";
        mysql_pconnect ($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password);  
        if (!$success)
                die ("<b>Cannot connect to database, check if username, 
password and
host are correct.</b>");
    $success = mysql_select_db ($database);
        if (!$success) {
                print "<b>Cannot choose database, check if database name is 

I double checked the database and I have created a database called
bruceg_search and added a user called bruceg_webmaster with all of the
editing privileges. Of course 'password' is changes with the password
used to connect in the actual script. and I double checked that to be
correct as well. Any suggestions?


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