On Wed, 2005-07-27 at 11:55 -0400, John Nichel wrote:
> André Medeiros wrote:
> > That's not very nice of you, saying that to people who try to help ;)
> > 
> > if( strpos( $_POST['frmName'], ' ' ) === false ) {
> >     // Do error handling here
> > } else {
> >     // All is OK :)
> > }
> > 
> How does that match "Firstname Lastname" better than a regex?  That will 
> return true as long as there is at least one space, no matter what the 
> rest of the submission is.  I could submit "$^&#^&$&#& )([EMAIL PROTECTED]", 
> or I 
> could submit just a single space, and that would return true. strpos() 
> has it's uses, but this isn't one of them.
> -- 
> John C. Nichel
> ÜberGeek
> KegWorks.com
> 716.856.9675

There is a large number of sittuations that the regex won't work in.
Special characters aren't included (from what I can understand using my
weak regex knowlege), you could even be chinese, and it wouldn't work.

If you use strpos with trim and strlen cleverlly, you won't have to
worry about it again.

My $0.02

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