"Björn Bartels" wrote:
> Moin, moin...

Moin. :-)

> I'm only 99% sure but I think in this line...
> <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" >
> ..."node()" returns "CDATA" which drops
> those unnessasary whitespaces and cr/lf's...

Okay, we're almost there, I guess. ;-) I still need your help, though.
If I change my XML from

    <xhtml:form action="" method="post">
      <xhtml:input type="text" id="foo" name="bar" />
      <xhtml:input type="submit" name="submit" />


<content><text><xhtml:form action="" method="post"><xhtml:input type="text"
id="foo" name="bar" /><xhtml:input type="submit" name="submit"

(all nodes in one single line), the resulting XHTML get correctly indented
for both indent switch settings.
Unfortunately I can't get it to work when I indent the XML data (like in my
first post). Neither normalize-space() nor translate() does the trick...
What am I missing?


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