Hi guys..

well I have a little "problem", I succeeded on retrieving a value by it's key, but I want a clean and faster method... Let me explain:

I have the following function which I use to set variables in my framework like (configs, requests, etc)...

* @function_name set_vars
* @function_type Method
* @function_input None
* @function_description None
function set_var($key = '', $value = null)
                        foreach($key as $key_key => $key_value)
                                $this->vars[$key_key] = $key_value;
                        foreach($value as $value_key => $value_value)
                                $this->vars[$key][$value_key] = $value_value;
                $this->vars[$key] = $value;

For example I have:

$this->vars['config']['database_type'] = 'mysql'; or...
$this->vars['http']['get'] = 'b';

But now I want a function that gets those values and subvalues, but there is one small catch, I need to dynamically get parsed arguments and check if key exists and returns it... I tried func_num_args, and func_get_args, without success.

Any ideas?

Bruno B B Magalhaes

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