I didn't get the file, but

If the lines are seperated by <br>'s instead of newlines, then

$filename = "monkey.html";
$file_array = preg_split("/<br.*?>/", file_get_content($filename));
$rev_array = array_reverse($file_array);
$output = join("<br />", $rev_array);

This could be modded to maintain any arguments inside the <br> tag, by
replacing preg_replacing <br.*?> with $1\n, and then splitting on \n.

On 3/9/06, Paul Novitski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 07:05 PM 3/8/2006, Jabez wrote:
> >I used the following code that Paul suggested, but it didn't reverse my
> >content.
> >
> >The file I would want to have the content reversed is as attached.
> Chinese
> >characters is in the file so...
> >
> >Suggestions?
> Jabez,
> The data in your file is all in one text line.  You have inserted the
> string "<br>" between what I assume are your data elements, but not
> PHP linefeed characters.
> Try using "\n" (backslash-n) as your line delimiter and try again.
> By the way, I neglected to tell you earlier that when file() reads a
> file into an array, it includes the linefeed characters at the end of
> each array element.  These might or might not get in your way if
> you're outputting your data to an HTML file -- a linefeed will render
> as a whitespace character.  If you'll be writing the data to another
> text file where linefeeds are crucial, you may wish to massage the
> array to ensure that every array element (including the last one read
> from the original file) ends in \n.
> Regards,
> Paul
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