Nelson Carreira wrote:

James E Hicks III wrote:

Nelson Carreira wrote:

Yes, I've tried using both absolute and relative paths.

The system output is 0 when I execute, for example, "nvram show" from the php. From what I know this output means success. Although there's no output on php.

Nelson Carreira

From your original post it looks like the function you want to use is passthru(). I just noticed the following note on

Note: When safe mode is enabled, you can only execute executables within the safe_mode_exec_dir. For practical reasons it is currently not allowed to have .. components in the path to the executable.

Could this be your problem?


This version of php doesn't have a php.ini file for configuration, so there's no safe_mode_exec_dir. I tried to create the one mentioned in php_info() and copy the executables there but it didn't work.

Nelson Carreira

Hmmm. I'm all out of ideas.


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