On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 03:51:51PM -0400, Adam Zey wrote:
> PHP seems to cache POST data, and waits for the entire POST to finish
> sending before it makes it available to php://input.
> I'd like to be able to read the post data from php://input while the
> client is still uploading it. How can I cause PHP to make the POST data
> available right away instead of after the client finishes sending?

One thing you can do is limit the size of the post_max_size and
upload_max_filesize (if using an upload) to someting like 1. php
will issue a warning and not read the POST data. You then can read
the contents of what was sent via php://input or php://stdin, i
forget wich one it is.

Of course you will need to read the data and parse the raw data as
it was sent from the browser.


cat .signature: No such file or directory   

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