A quick google search tells you that LONGBLOB can contain  string with
a maximum length of 4294967295 characters, which translates into

Maybe a MEDIUMBLOB (16777215 characters) would already do the trick,
no? It supports as much as 16mb +/-

On 5/31/06, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ross wrote:
> I have pdfs saved as BLOBs I create the links dynamically but only some of
> the PDFs display an error message 'error opening this files...this file
> cannot be repaired..."
> Is there a file size limit in kb for Blobs and what is it?
> What size of file can a LONG BLOB accomodate?

Who knows? What database are you using? Each database is different. Have
you checked the databases documentation?

> If it is not this any ideas? It seems to fix it though!

So does it fix it or not?

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