On 9/11/06, Micky Hulse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Curt, thanks for the feedback/input and your time. :)

Curt Zirzow wrote:
> It would have been more relevant to supply the problem along with the
> solution.

Definitely. Sorry about that. Sometimes I post questions to forums/lists
without thinking things through more thoroughly... Hehe, I half blame
that on sleep deprivation and half on ADD. Lol, or something. :)

No problems at all.  I just noticed that the question you originally
proposed couldn't really be solved without more info other wise
everyone would be guessing at what the issue is.. And in the end you
solved your own problem.

It is a common thing to do such a thing, i tend to practice this
method of posting questions to ensure i provide enough information to
solve the issue:
 1) compose a question
 2) forget the question was about and read the question, and see if
it is even able to be solved.
 3) if it cant be solved, include a statement like: I've been looking
over this and can't see what I'm missing (type of thing).


I will be sure to take your advice into account for my future posts to
this and other lists.

heh.. now you have more advice to consider..  :)

Thanks again. Have a great day.

No problem.


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