On 1/3/07, Emil Edeholt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Roman Neuhauser wrote:

But I'll look for a log file. Maybe there are something hidden below the
>> Maybe I haven't included some header non-spam usually have or something?
> How are we supposed to know? Should we read Thunderbird's source code
> for you? :)
Of course not. I just wondered if there was something obvious in the
mail headers or whatever from pear that would make my mail look like
spam. And I want a more mainstream solution that works on all/most email
clients, not just firefox. But I'll talk to the mozilla folks instead,
if you think it's so off topic to discuss this.

The obvious problem with your question is well, no 'headers' were
supplied. Then of course there are algorithms  like bayesian that
predict spam based on headers and content, with a learning curve.

Then there is of course people on @aol.com addresses where depending
on how things are setup, you will automatically go into the spam box
if you are not in their address book.

All in all mail sucks never rely on it to work.


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