explode on the comma...

you could use while loop and variable variables to take care of the


Jacky wrote:
> I got series of string value like this 1,2,3. And the seires are dynamaic, which 
>means it is not always 1,2,3 but could be more, but always in this format that is 
>separated by "," .
> How do I pick each of value in the series and assign it into new vairiable, like 
> $test = 1,2,3;
> and assign to be
> $test =1;
> $test1=2;
> $test2 =3;
> Is theer any function that could help me with that? because I need to update table 
>using those value but I cannot use series of value to update, have to break them down 
>to each variable like that.
> Jack
> "There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for yourself"

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