Dear People,

I developed a very large Application, which has at the moment strong
performace problems, while pages are loaded.

At the moment I am trying to lower the number of filesystem calls as
much as I can. I was able allready to lower the rate of filesystem
calls from round about 260 calls, which normaly included database calls
each time as well.

Now a page loads with round about 36 Filesystem and database calls, so
a improvement could really get established.

Now, as I might have imagined, the next problem is the object model of
the application which was very flexible in the past two years. But now
over time, for example the content management class grew up to 400 Kb
which is for a web application hell of a lot.

But it seems it is the only class at that enormous size.

I am using the PHP5 autoload functionality exclusive, so no other way
of loading classes is getting used.

No I started to come in mind of, splitting the cms class into smaller
potions. Will it really improve the page load, or will the object ini-
tialisations of the new appearing mass of classes have the same effect
as a class, stored in the eaccelator cache with a memory consumtion
round about 400 Kb?

Another question is, that I started to include my application framework
over a symlink placed in every webspace directory. I've read somewhere
that linux needs time to resolve a symlinks target.

Can this be a real performance issue? All datasets as well as images,
modules and all application relevant informations are loaded from that
symlinked place at the moment.

The webserver does only contain the webspace filesystem structure as
well as 5 line of PHP Code dummies, for every document in the content
management system, to avoid the usage of mod_rewrite.

It would be really wonderfull, to be able to discuss my questions with
you people here :))

Best Regards,


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