
I'm having an issue where throwing Exceptions are displaying a blank page even though the Exception is being caught in a try...catch statement. This is happening on our production server where warnings, errors, exceptions, etc. are not to be displayed to the user. The assumption is that even though an Exception is being thrown it should be caught rather than displaying a blank page. Is there a specific configuration variable that needs to be set in php.ini to allow warnings to not be displayed but Exceptions to still be caught? Or is this just a bug? Here is some code that replicates the issue:

try {
   closeCallTracker($appId, $salesRepId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
   // No need to display anything to user if call tracker is not closed

function closeCallTracker($appId, $salesRepId) {

  // Some code here...

// A pretty near example of why the Exception is being thrown in our system
  if ($callTrackerAlreadyClosed) {
throw new Exception('Can not close a call tracker that has already been closed.');

I'm expecting the program to continue as normal as the Exception has been caught appropriately... but instead this code is displaying a blank page.

We're using PHP: 5.1.2 on SuSe

This is really a bizarre issue and any help would be greatly appreciated. I've searched and Google far too long on this issue. Thank you in advance.


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