On Fri, August 24, 2007 12:55 am, Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> Dear All
> I have been using nusoap to development a client that makes SOAP calls
> to a server. I have however been stuck on a  small issue but can't
> seem
> to solve it and therefore I need to relook at using another package to
> get a solution.
> So I have read that PEAR also has a package that makes SOAP calls
> (PEAR::SOAP). And there is PHP-SOAP.
> Now Im running PHP 4.4xxx and I need to get this up and running ASAP.
> What would you suggest I use as the package to make the client calls?
> I have read that the PEAR::SOAP thing is fairly easy to use?
> Does anyone have suggestions or recommendations or what not to use and
> why?

I have fought with SOAP in PHP 5, and PHP 4, and I think maybe even
PHP 3 (shudder).

I've used nuSoap, and I think I used PEAR::SOAP once.  I also tried to
use some other SOAP package once, I think, that failed miserably.

My recommendations:

If you can move to PHP 5 and use the built-in SOAP there, do it ASAP.
It's like night and day.

If you are stuck in PHP 4, try the PEAR::SOAP.
I believe it will handle the whatsit tag namespace-y thingie you are
getting with that <tag:0> business better than nuSoap, as I recall.  I
won't swear to it in court, though, as I only use PEAR::SOAP once
before I moved to PHP 5 and my SOAP life was way way way cleaner.
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