On Thu, August 23, 2007 6:26 pm, Liz Kim wrote:
> Did anyone else run into this problem?
> PHP fails to connect to MSSQL7 with mssql_connect with the message:
> Changed database context to '<DB_NAME>'.
> I've been searching around but did not find a good solution for PHP.
> I did find this link:
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;197459
> But is not too helpful..
> I've tried:
> setting the severity value higher with
> mssql_min_error_severity(4);
> mssql_min_message_severity(4);
> but these did not work either..
> Any ideas?

Perhaps the connection is fine and you just need to ignore those
particular messages?

You may also want to just try out the Sybase driver...

I've generally found it to be better/faster/simple than the MS driver,
on the (thankfully) few occasions I had to use SQL Server.

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