On Thu, August 23, 2007 9:45 am, Colin Guthrie wrote:
> Dan Shirah wrote:
>> You shouldn't need to recompile PHP.
>> Just go into your PHP.ini file and uncomment the line:
>> ;extension=php_mssql.dll
>> After that you can go to the [MSSQL] section of the .ini file and
>> change the
>> rest of the settings however you want them. IE. Allow persistent
>> connections, timeouts etc.
>> Then, just use the mssql_ functions to create, connect, query SQL
>> Server.
> That completely depends on how the original PHP was compiled.
> If the original was not compiled with mssql support then it wont work.

If the OP was actually on Windows, this would actually work.

The DLL in question *is* the compilation of mssql support, assuming it
is the same version as the php.exe (or php .dll for modules)

> Also I reckon the windows .dlls will not work on the OP's redhat
> server......


The OP could use rpm and/or up2date to just get the php-mssql package
if they installed from rpm to start with.

If they compiled from source, they should be able to go back to the
source and ./configure --with-mssql=shared, and then make and then
copy the php-mssql.so file into their extensions dir.

However, it is probably easier to just do:
./config --with-mssql
make install
if you compiled from source in the first place.

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