Brian Welter wrote:
I have the following code and it doesn't behave properly but I can't find my
error. The code is designed to validate user login. When I pass in an
invalid email name to the checkLogin function it returns a result, not FALSE
as the documentation describes. I can SELECT * from the table being used and
read out all of the data so I know that the DB connection is valid and that
I can compose a valid query. I have looked and looked at this code and can
find no error, does anyone see an error here. When the check if (!$result)
fails i.e. even thought the email/password are not in the db a none zero
result is returned, the calls to mysql_fetch_assoc () return empty strings.
The only clue I may have is that when I call mysql_free_result($result) I
get a warning saying that $result is not a valid resource. I sure I'm doing
something stupid but I just can't see it. Any help would be great!

As the documentation states, mysql_query will return false when it encounters an error. Not finding any matching rows is not an error. Use mysql_num_rows to check if any matching rows were returned.

I would also recommend that you enable notices in your php.ini as your code will cause at least 2 notices to be generated, both of which would have given you a clue as to where the problem lies.



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