Jim Lucas wrote:

Try this


$query = "    SELECT    day
        FROM    emailcampaign
        WHERE    campaign_id = '$emailcampaign'
        AND    member_id = '$members_id'

$DB_Change_Campaign_Results = safe_query($query);

## NOTICE: changed from array to assoc
$Campaign_array = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($DB_Change_Campaign_Results) ) {
## Switched to an indexed array with the day as the value instead of the key
    $Campaign_array[] = $row['day'];

# At this point you have arrays as values for your $Campaign_array
# So, unless $k is an array that matches a sub array of $Campaign_array
# you're never going to get a match

$k = array_search($val,$Campaign_array);

# What is $k at this point? An int (1, 2, 3, etc...) , string (Sunday, Monday, etc...)
# Before I go any further I will need to know the above information.
if ( isset($Campaign_array[($k + 1)])) {
    echo $Campaign_array[($k + 1)];
} else {
    echo 'Not found';

include ("includes/location.php");
$query = "    SELECT    day
       FROM    emailcampaign
       where    campaign_id = '1'
       AND    member_id = '8'
$DB_Change_Campaign_Results = safe_query($query);
$Campaign_array = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($DB_Change_Campaign_Results) ) {
  $Campaign_array[] = $row['day'];
if ( isset($Campaign_array[($k + 1)])) {
   echo $Campaign_array[($k + 1)];
} else {
   echo 'Not found';

This is what I get now when I run this


 0 => string '0' /(length=1)/
 1 => string '1' /(length=1)/
 2 => string '3' /(length=1)/
 3 => string '6' /(length=1)/
 4 => string '9' /(length=1)/
 5 => string '12' /(length=2)/
 6 => string '15' /(length=2)/
 7 => string '20' /(length=2)/
 8 => string '25' /(length=2)/
 9 => string '30' /(length=2)/

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