I am trying to set up a template for an email program below you will
  see the test program the $mail_template is pulled from a database
  that is pre saved when it is saved the Placeholders are filled in
  using str_replace. that is what I want it to do. But it does not work. What am
  I missing hear.

$mail_template= "<html>
        <title>Web Hosting At ##hostdomain## </title>

<body bgcolor='#C4C9DB'>
<font size='4' color='#008080'><strong>Dear ##fullname## </strong></font> 
<font size='4' color='#008080'><strong>Your webhosting account has been created. 
Please use the following data to log in to ##domain## </strong></font>
<font size='4' color='#008080'>
<strong><ul type=square>
        <li>Domain:##domain##   </li>
        <li>IP-Address: ##ip## </li>
        <li>Username: ##username##</li>
        <li>Password: ##password##</li>
        <li>Mysql Database: ##userdatabase##  </li>
        <li>Mysql Username: ##newuser## </li>
        <li>Mysql Password: ##newuserpass## </li>
</ul>  </strong>
<font size='4' color='#008080'><strong>Thanks for choosing ##hostdomain## <br> Any 
Questions e-mail ##sales##@##hostdomain##</strong> </font>


/* message*/
//$mail_template = $message;

$fullname="Richard Kurth";
 $email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$domainname=$hostname . "." . $domain . $tld;

$mail_content = str_replace('##fullname##',$fullname,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##email##',$email,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##domain##',$domainname,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##ip##',$baseip,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##username##',$username,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##password##',$password,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##userdatabase##',$userdatabase,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##newuser##',$newuser,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##newuserpass##',$newuserpass,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##hostdomain##',$hostdomain,$mail_template);
$mail_content = str_replace('##sales##',$sales,$mail_template);
/* and now mail it */
/* recipients */
$recipient = "$fullname <$email>" ; 
$headers .="From: Sales Department < [EMAIL PROTECTED] \n>";
$headers .= "reply-To:$from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" .phpversion()." \n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
$subject1 = $subject;
//mail($recipient, $subject1, $mail_content, $headers);
//print "$recipient, $subject1, $mail_content, $headers";
echo $mail_content;

Best regards,

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