2008/5/29 Sudhakar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> my question is about validation using php. i am validating a username which
> a user would enter and clicks on a image to find
> if that username is available. example if a user enters abc#123 php file is
> reading this value as abc ONLY which i do not
> want instead the php file should read as abc#123. following is the sequence
> of pages. please advice the solution.

You've asked this question at least three times now that I've seen,
and you've already had the answer.

The problem is not in PHP, it's in your javascript:

> var useri = document.registrationform.username
> var valueofuseri = document.registrationform.username.value
> [...]
> window.open("checkusernamei.php?theusernameis="+valueofuseri,
> "titleforavailabilityi", "width=680,  height=275, status=1,

You must urlencode valueofuseri.


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