> $endBal = mysql_fetch_array($dbEnd);
> echo mysql_num_rows($dbEnd);
> print_r($endBal);
> Nothing gets returned from those last statements. Am I missing
> completely?

    Right here....

// Code before....
if(!$dbEnd = (mysql_query($getEnd, $dbc))){
       echo mysql_error() . "\n";
// .... code after....

    You're merging assignment.  Maybe you meant this:

if(($dbEnd = mysql_query($getEnd, $dbc)) === FALSE) {
    echo mysql_error() . "\n";

I have several other queries running in this example and they all use
the same run/error check routine with no issues. This has always worked
in the past. It is like saying if(!$theFile = fopen('myfile.txt', 'a'))

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