On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 14:49, Richard Sharp <rsh...@aerotecheng.org> wrote:
> I tried to look for the drive for pervasive but I couldn't find one for 64 
> bit.  If there is one out that please let me know.

    That's beyond the scope of this list.  You should contact the
manufacturer for information on that.

> Sorry I am very new to PHP, but is there a way to pull data from a data 
> through the JDBC using PHP?

    I'm sorry, I honestly have no idea why I typed JDBC.  I don't
believe I was even thinking of that at all when I typed it.  I meant
PDO.  I don't know if there's support for PSQL on there though.
Again, your best bet would probably be to contact the manufacturer

</Daniel P. Brown>
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

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