Hey guys,

I saw a post in here the other day that's prompted me to ask this
question...  Because I can't seem to get the solution mentioned to work.
Maybe I'm missing something obvious...  Anyway, here goes.

I have a list of categories contained in one table, and a list of entries in
another.  So

id name
1 category1
2 category2
3 category3

At the moment, the entries table has a field which contains a field
mentioning the category by id, so:

id cat_id name
1 1 name1
2 1 name2
3 1 name3

The problem is this:  I'd like to give some entries more than one category.
I attempted to put the category id's into an array.  So a row in the revised
entries table now looks like this:

id cat_id name
1 2 name1
2 1,3 name2
3 1 name3

And I'm trying to list from that table with code similar to this:


$cat[0] = 1;
$cat[1] = 3;

$getcats = implode(",", $cat);

$query = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM entries WHERE cat_id IN($getcats)")
    or die (mysql_error());

// Get the results


I get no errors when executing that code, but I don't get any results back,
either...... even though I know there are entries in the table with the
category id listed as 1,3

Any ideas?  I'm having "one of those days" :)


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