Hi folks,

I'm trying to convert the contents of an array from utf8 to utf16
(thanks for the headache MS Excel!).  I originally created a "user
function" that just ran the text through
mb_convert_encoding($text,'utf-16','utf-8') but now I'm wondering if I
can't just use the internal function directly.  Apparently it's more
complicated when the function requires arguments; I see example using
mysql_real_escape_string() on php.net.

My current attempt looks like this:

$clean = array_map('mb_convert_encoding', $dirty_arr, array('utf-16','utf-8'));

but I believe this is actually passing an array to
mb_convert_encoding() as the second argument rather than the 2nd and
3rd... Any ideas or am I chasing something that can't be done?


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