On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 16:06, David Savage <dsav...@cytelcom.com> wrote:
> I thought I posted this in the php.net web site under the "ksort" user notes, 
> but I don't know if it would be approved to be placed in the web site.
> Would "ksort($sortarr,SORT_STRING)" on a 1 dimensional array with a key 
> comprised of
> a person's name,
> "-", and
>  time stamp
> I..E. (key:  david savage-2011-12-12 14:43:00)
> actually delete duplicate keys from the array, if there were two keys the 
> same ?
> Did not see anything regarding this in the user notes of "ksort" page in 
> php.net

    If it's a question posted there as a user note, I would delete it.
 I put up a big sign on the page for posting user notes months ago,
complete with an XKCD strip, but somehow still, no one seems to notice
it (or read it, at least).

</Daniel P. Brown>
Dedicated Servers, Cloud and Cloud Hybrid Solutions, VPS, Hosting
(866-) 725-4321

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