> Jpgs can hold other data rather than image data
> One thing to try is to run strip_tags($image) to remove any php code
> http://josephkeeler.com/2009/04/php-upload-security-the-1x1-jpeg-hack/
> Bastien

I understand the principle behind
include('pages/' . $_GET['page'] . '.php');

Which I find ridiculous if anyone did that.
I am not sure how he was calling the image to be sure. I watched him upload
the image and then
Do what looked like a normal echo UPLOADED_IMAGES.$_FILE["name"]; You seen
phpinfo() called but it was not in the script rather in the image.

He opened the test.jpg in a text editor and sure enough there was <?php
phpinfo(); ?> in the code of the jpeg.

This bothers me because I am not sure what all he did. He was proving PHP is
not a safe language in front of a rather large group or people in the
I could only look on in disbelief that it just happened in front of me.

Everything inside of me wants to say he was doing something outside of what
I consider normal circumstances.
My question is this:
If someone uploads a image through a form or whatever and they have embedded
a code in can that code inside the image be executed by viewing the file?

$image = 'uploaded.jpg';
Echo "<IMG SRC='".$image."'>";

Read this:
That was written a couple months ago.


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