wouldn't the structure of the database be determined by the fact you have a
many to many relationship ?
i.e. the two tables would decompose into three with a 'link' table defining
the many to may part ?


"Mike Gifford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I'm not sure if anyone else as the need for a php/MySQL based
bibliography, but
> the application that I am developing (which is basically a module for
> is coming along fairly well.  If anyone is interested in seeing the code I
> bundle it up and send it out to them (still a long way from finished
mind).  The
> draft version of it is up and running here:
> http://openconcept.ca/WLP/biblio/index.php3
> I'm running into a couple problems though that I don't have the logic
> for and I was hoping folks here could help me (as you have done in the
> The problem is that I've set up a many to many table to ensure that I can
> an author be listed as writing many books and a book be written by many
> However in listing the books as a bibliography (as the URL above), I want
to be
> able to list multiple authors, and do so in a different format for the
> author than for all subsequent ones.
> I'm hoping to be able to produce output like this:
> Young, D. and N. Dixon. Helping Leaders Take Effective Action: A Program
> Evaluation. Greensboro, North Carolina: Center for Creative Leadership,
> 1996.
> So, I think the first challenge should be to calculate which books have
> authors by doing something like this (It's using phplib structures,
> $q2  = "SELECT * FROM WLPbib2profile ORDER BY bibID";
> $this->db->query($q2);  // Performs above query
> while ($this->db->next_record()) {
> if ($this->db->Record["bibID"] != $last_bibID) {
> echo "<br>" . $this->db->Record["bibID"] . " : " .
> } else { // Multiple Authors
> echo ", " .  $this->db->Record["profileID"];
> $multiple_profileID .= array ($this->db->Record["bibID"] =>
> $this->db->Record["profileID"]);
> $multiple_profileID .= array($this->db->Record["bibID"] =>
> "yes");
> }
> $last_bibID = $this->db->Record["bibID"];
> }
> }
> With this I can then use the value $multiple_profileID to determine if
> record has duplicates or not and use something like this to include both
> and not repeat the bibliography item:
> if ($multiple_profileID[$bibID]=="yes") {
> while (list($key, $val) = each($multiple_profileID)) {
> $written_by =  $key . " : " . $val . "<br>";
> if ($this->db->Record["firstName"]) {
> $written_by .= stripslashes($this->db->Record["firstName"]) . " ";
> }
> if($this->db->Record["lastName"]) {
> $written_by .=  stripslashes($this->db->Record["lastName"]);
> }
> }
> } else {
> if($this->db->Record["lastName"]) {
> $written_by .=  stripslashes($this->db->Record["lastName"]) . ", ";
> }
> if ($this->db->Record["firstName"]) {
> $written_by .= stripslashes($this->db->Record["firstName"]);
> }
> }
> But this seems really awkward (at the best of times) and (worst of all) it
> working.
> I've got another related problem in that I've set up the following fields
in one
> table:
> firstName
> lastName
> organization
> and I need to be able to order them by a combination of lastName &
>   I could list the organization field simply as the lastName, but that
> like it would be confusing the data types...  Must be a way around this..
> suspect it is limited by my logic & not PHP's.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Mike
> --
> Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting, http://openconcept.ca
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> It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. - A Einstein

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