OK... here are more details...

my trying was to get the content from this url :

(one line!) into a variable.

every other link succeed, but NOT this one.

I've tried to do that with fopen and fsockopen.

may be, i've made something wrong...

I HOPE, u know an answer, how to do that...

and please test it out, what you mean, and if it doesnt work, report anyway
your tryings.



Tribun (Patrick Lehnen)

PS: I've tried to solve this problem the hole day... I would like to, but I
cant believe, that someone knows the right solution.... lets hope ;)

"Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Subject: [PHP] need real expert (geting outer files) *english/german*
> > the problem is, that this is very good restricted by serverside.
> If you've worked around that, you're probably now seeing something silly
> your fread() code...
> > But now I already get the file, and no more the error-message,
> > but the problem is, that the file will not completly load.
> >
> > this means, I receive the file, but only the first 4188 bytes from
> > 11988 bytes.
> You'd have to show us your source code for how you're dynamically
> downloading only half the file.
> We can't just guess at what you've done to make it stop...
> It's extremely unliked for the server to decide halfway through a file
> download that you were not a valid user and to quit sending you stuff...
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