Apache can be set up to parse whatever files you like as .php (you could
have .paul if you like...) - presumably your host has enabled this. If you
have access to .htaccess files (or the main server config, httpd.conf), you
can set this up on any Apache server with the line

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html

You can put as many extensions as you like in there, for example:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4 .html .phtml .foo .bar .baz

Although this is probably overkill :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 August 2001 16:29
Subject: [PHP] PHP within .html files

My UNIX apache server that I host from seems to be preset to execute PHP
code within html docs. That is, a php require statement within a ".html"
file is included, executed,  and sent to the browser.

Is this unusual? or standard? I ask because I would hope not to become
dependent on including php code in html docs and have them switch a
server setting back.

Of course, if that happens I guess I could rename my files from ".html"
to ".php". But I really prefer to just having ".html" appear in the
browser URL bar.

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