
I'm having some problem assigning a custom function ({math}) a value of
a {section} block.
I've got a section where I want to do some easy math.  But somehow I'm

Here's my template:

<html><head><title>Section Test</title></title></head><body bgcolor=white>

{section name=people loop=$FirstName}
  {$FirstName[people]} {$LastName[people]}
  {math equation="x + y" x="{$FirstName[people]}" y="{$LastName[people]}"}<br>


The PHP code:

require_once 'Smarty.class.php';
$smarty = new Smarty();

$x = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

$y = array(9, 8, 7, 6, 5);

$smarty->assign("FirstName", $y);
$smarty->assign("LastName", $x);


When I run this, I get the following errormessage in my browser:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `'}'' in
/home/askwar/public_html/olg/html/templates_c/test.tpl.php on line 65

Line 65:

 <?php smarty_func_math(array('equation' => "x + y",'x' =>
 "{$FirstName[people]"), $this); if($this->_extract) {
 extract($this->_tpl_vars); $this->_extract=false; } ?>" y="<?php echo

Also removing the { and } at the x= and y= section in my template
doesn't work.  The section now looks like this:

{section name=people loop=$FirstName}
  {%people.rownum%} {$FirstName[people]} {$LastName[people]} {math
  equation="x + y" x="$FirstName[people]" y="$LastName[people]"}<br>

Now I get 5 lines in my browser, but also a different error message:

 1 9 1
Warning: Smarty error: math: parameter x is empty in
/home/askwar/public_html/olg/html/OliG-System/smarty/Smarty.class.php on
line 1090

The first "1 9 1" is correct.  It's the row number and the values of x
and y.

How can I do this?

Thanks a lot!

Alexander Skwar
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