
I have a PHP routine that writes to a text file.  An example output line would be:

fputs($fp, $form["notify_1"] . "\n");

Where $form["notify_1"] is an array of form variables passed to it.  What I wish to do 
is prior to writing to the text file, I want to search and replace all ')' with '}' 
and all '(' with '{'.  I did the following change to the line of code above and wrote 
the following function:

fputs($fp, txt_change($form["notify_5"]) . "\n");

function txt_change($txt_string) {
  $prt_string = str_replace("(", "{", $txt_string);
  $prt_string = str_replace(")", "}", $txt_string);
  return $prt_string;

My problem is that the search and replace is NOT working.  According to the manual, my 
syntax for "str_replace" is correct.  Does anyone have an idea?


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