> One of the downside of PHP IMHO is, that you do not have to define
> variables.  This leads to a lot of errors.  At least there should be a
> "option", which forces you to define variables, like maybe so:

I've not followed this thread but this is pretty much what E_NOTICE is
for, turn it on in error_reporting and it'll tell you every undefined
variable.  Do this in php.ini or with error_reporting function.  In fact,
one _should_ develop with E_ALL on.

 if ($var)     // will produce a Warning if $var is not set

 echo $notset; // ditto

 $arr[somekey] // Warning if constant variable somekey is 
                  not defined (i.e. use 'quotes')

 $arr['key']   // Warning if key 'key' not defined

See :


Much more can be said, hope the above helps.

Philip Olson

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